Phytosanitary Inspection
Phytosanitary inspection: performs tasks related to inspectorial supervision in the area of plant health, seeds and planting material; plant protection products; plant nutrition products; food safety of foodstuffs of plant and composite origin; feed safety of feed of plant origin.
There is three Division: Phytosanitary Inspection Division (Internal Phytosanitary Inspection) performs tasks related to: plant inspection for the presence of harmful organisms; systemic supervision of plants for the presence of harmful organisms considered extremely dangerous to plant health; health inspection of imported plants for which post-quarantine supervision was ordered; official sampling for laboratory testing for the presence of harmful organisms and residues of PPPs; inspection of GMOs in all stages of production, processing and circulation; inspection of safety of food of plant origin in the primary production stage; inspection of safety of feed of plant origin in the primary production stage; inspection of manufacture, circulation and use of plant protection products and plant nutrition products; inspection of production, finishing, circulation and use of seeds of agricultural plants in both conventional and organic production; inspection of production, circulation and use of planting material of agricultural plants; inspection of operation of agricultural expert services.