Активности Пројекта

Activities carried out

The working method adopted during the project implementation has been a balanced mix of on-the-field training, workshops, working groups and seminars.

Component 1: Strengthening of the PD capacity in managing the phytosanitary sector according to Acquis communitaire

Act. 1.1     Preparation and implementation of an overall development phytosanitary strategy

Act. 1.2     Preparation and implementation of an administrative capacity building plan

Act. 1.3     Professional capacity building plan

Act. 1.4     Strengthen the management of the Phytosanitary Directorate to oversee the implementation of the development strategy for the phytosanitary sector


Component 2: Support for replacement of the current plant health certificate systems for export and domestic sales with a single system based on or leading to introduction of controls based on the EU plant passport system

Sub component 2.1 Implementation of a single system of phytosanitary control

Act. 2.1.1  Review of the pest status of quarantine organisms

Act. 2.1.2  Formulation of a proposal for a notification system

Act. 2.1.3  Development of a phytosanitary control system for seed crops intended to domestic and export trade

Act. 2.1.4  Introduction and development of a PRA system

Act. 2.1.5  Development of a system to authorise and monitor the use of IPPC mark for wood packaging material

Act. 2.1.6  Introduction and development of schemes for the production of virus-free propagation material, where necessary

Sub component 2.2  Implementation of the plant passport system

Act. 2.2.1  Investigation and assessment MAFWM’s legal powers and capabilities to introduce the systems needed to operate an EU-compatible plant passport regime

Act. 2.2.2  Draft executive legislation as necessary

Act. 2.2.3  Prepare a strategy and an action plan for the phased introduction of an EU compliant plant passport scheme

Act. 2.2.4  Design, consult, implement and appraise a small scale pilot scheme to test official and industry capabilities to implement, administrate, enforce and record a plant health passport scheme based on EU rules

Sub component 2.3  Introduction and Development of an official monitoring system

Act. 2.3.1  Assistance in the formulation of a national monitoring and survey plan for some key organisms occurring or not in Serbia

Act. 2.3.2  Assistance in the development of a monitoring database based on GIS technology (not an obligation of EU legislation, but it could be an useful management system

Act. 2.3.3  Assistance in the identification and implementation of PFA system


Sub component 2.4  Development of a permanent training system

Act. 2.4.1  Analyses of the training needs and formulation of a training plan

Act. 2.4.2  Study visit in MS for direct exchange of experience on health certificate systems and EU plant passport system (6 officers/inspectors per 1 week)

Act. 2.4.3  Internship in Italy for on-job-training on health certificate systems and EU plant passport system (2 officer/ inspector per 1 week)

Act. 2.4.4  Internship in Italy for on-job-training on virus-free certification schemes (6 officers/inspectors per 1 week)

Component 3: Quality control and training

Act. 3.1      Review and, if necessary, draft laws giving the necessary legal powers needed to inspect, control, monitor and report on the implementation by official bodies of current and planned Serbian laws

Act. 3.2      Prepare manuals of procedures and associated documentation to be used by official technical control inspectors

Act. 3.3      Establish and/or strengthen administrative and technical procedures, structures and controls

Act. 3.4      Prepare explanatory material for traders and the public